With over 100 years combined Bowling Pro Shop EXPERIENCE
CALL: 770-480-0397 EMAIL:
Serving, Atlanta, North Carolina, South Carolina

Striking Results Is an
Interchangeable Thumb Systems allow bowlers to have the same fit and feel in every bowling ball they own. Since it’s worldwide debut in 1994, they are very strong, very reliable, easiest to install and most widely used. The composition of bowling balls and proper installation are variables in the success of long term use and durability of Interchangeable Thumb Systems. Do not leave bowling equipment in your vehicle, basement, or other storage area for prolonged periods of hot or cold temperatures. This will not only affect use of these types of systems, but can ultimately affect the performance of the bowling ball.
USBC and PBA Approved.

Finger Grip Install Price
$12.00 Set
$6.00 Each
Thumb Slugs $15.00 Each
Finger & Thumb Slug Combo $20.00

Install Price
Outer Sleeve $20.00
Inner Sleeve $25.00
Thumb Slug $15.00
CHANGING the game ONE THUMB at a time!
“THE” Ultimate Thumb – this unique two-piece system is simple, durable and reliable! Our four-tab inner allows for easy, quick removal and insertion from ball-to-ball which will minimize time when needing to use multiple balls on your pair. And because the tabs are located above and below mid-point, our system doesn’t attach at the bottom therefore, any tension is evenly disbursed which nearly eliminates any possibility of breakage – allowing bowlers to focus on…Relax, Release, Repeat! Because the outer is installed with a 9am-3pm tab placement, your hand will be in the ideal position in relation to your finger holes, after just a short quarter-turn of your thumb insert.
IT Thumb Systems
If you are looking for bowling ball inserts, you have certainly come to the right place. We have a huge selection of Vise bowling ball thumb inserts of all kinds. Our high quality thumb sleeves and solids come in just about every imaginable color, and even two-tone inserts. Our top-quality inserts come in both urethane and vinyl, and in every color of the rainbow. Our prices are so low that most people can afford to buy many inserts to mix, match, and experiment to get the best fit, performance, and look possible.

Just like the oil in your car...a regular change means better performance!Once you've selected the insert that feels right for you, you'll want to make sure you take the time to maintain it. Because of their soft, pliable material, inserts will wear with each game bowled ultimately changing the size and texture of the insert. In addition to larger holes, inserts will absorb skin oil, rosin, hand conditioners and lane oils gradually altering texture. Inserts that are too large and have worn texture will have adverse effects on your release. We suggest visiting your pro shop professional every 6 months or 60 games to have your grips inspected and maintain optimal performance. *This is an average and will vary based on your release.